Weihua Zhuang
This time of year is special for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS). We will recognize this year’s VTS Award recipients at the 98th Annual IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference held in Hong Kong (VTC2023-Fall). We will also bring together engineers, researchers, and other professionals at the 2023 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) to be held in Milan, Italy. I hope we will see you at either or both conferences.
One of the benefits that the VTS is committed to providing members is continuing education from reputable experts in the VTS fields of interest: land transportation, mobile radio, and motor vehicles. The IEEE VTS Resource Center provides valuable and up-to-date video content, including conference keynote presentations from prominent researchers and technical leaders, recordings of Distinguished Lectures or other VTS events, and educational videos. It covers a wide range of topics from emerging technologies to educational training modules in mobile communications and networks, vehicular electronics, and land transportation. Based on the usage analytics, our top ten popular video topics include
Additionally, we aim to continue generating/posting new videos in the areas of
Videos in the resource center are available at no cost to VTS members and can be accessed through an IEEE account at https://resourcecenter.vts.ieee.org/.
The IEEE VTS Education Committee is working diligently to develop and implement educational activities for VTS members, especially for students and young professionals (YPs), aiming to promote active student/YP participation in VTS events, improve student/YP engagement with IEEE VTS, and support career preparation and professional enhancement. The Education Committee is chaired by Dr. Ping Wang, associate professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, York University, and a Tier 2 York Research Chair. She is a Fellow of IEEE and a VTS Distinguished Lecturer. She also serves as the editor in chief (EiC) for the IEEE VTS Resource Center and served/is serving as an associate EiC for IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, an editor for several reputed journals including IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and a symposium cochair for numerous international conferences.
The planned activities of the Education Committee include
At VTC2023-Spring, the committee organized an education activity session for students/YPs who attended the conference. The session began with an introduction on how the VTS can support students and YPs in their career development and was followed by an interactive networking session with topics of interest, such as ChatGPT. A survey was conducted to collect feedback from the participants on how the VTS Education Committee can provide better services to and address the needs of our student members and YPs.
As always, I would like to know how the VTS can better serve you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your ideas, suggestions, comments, questions, or concerns. Working hard together, we will make the VTS better and stronger. I hope to see you at VTC2023-Fall and IEEE VPPC 2023!
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MVT.2023.3279709