Editor’s Note
The worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic may have resulted in the cancellation or delay of some of the meetings and symposia listed below. Please check all meeting websites for the latest information prior to making plans for registration or travel. The number of submissions for meetings and symposia has fallen off drastically in the past 1–2 years. To help keep this column current, please e-mail any notices or calls for papers of upcoming conferences to raymond.wasky@jhuapl.edu.
26–31 March 2023, Florence, Italy. (The EuCAP Conference Organizing Committee, the EuCAP Steering Committee, and EurAAP are committed to returning to the classic “on-site” format. In any case, the EuCAP Conference Organizing Committee and EurAAP are carefully monitoring the worldwide development of COVID-19 and are already taking all the necessary steps to enable virtual presentations and other online elements for those who may not be in a position to attend EuCAP 2023 physically.) Contact: Silvia Casali, professional congress organizer, e-mail: info@eucap2023.org. https://www.eucap2023.org/.
15–17 May 2023, Aalborg, Denmark. https://www.iwat2023.org/.
16–18 May 2023, Bonn, Germany. Amy Belicev, Association of Old Crows, 1555 King Street, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA. +1 703 549 1600, e-mail: belicev@crows.org. http://www.crows.org.
22–26 May 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Papers: 15 December 2022.) Contacts: David Michelson, general chair, The University of British Columbia, e-mail: davem@ece.ubc.ca; John Volakis, technical program chair, Florida International University, e-mail: jvolakis@fiu.edu; Lot Shafai, special sessions chair, University of Manitoba, e-mail: lot.shafai@umanitoba.ca. http://emts2023.org/.
22–26 May 2023, Kyoto, Japan. (Four-page full paper for IEEE Trans. Magnetics: 11 June 2023.) Contacts: Conference information: e-mail: secretariat@compumag2023.com; Editorial matters: e-mail: editorial@compumag2023.com, Registration queries: e-mail: registration@compumag2023.com. http://www.compumag2023.com.
28 May–1 June 2023, Rome, Italy. HYBRID CONFERENCE. http://icc2023.ieee-icc.org.
11–16 June 2023, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: General information: e-mail: support@mtt.org. http://www.ims-ieee.org.
23–28 July 2023, Portland, OR, USA. Contacts: Jamesina J. Simpson, general cochair, e-mail: jamesina.simpson@utah.edu; Reyhan Baktur, general cochair, e-mail: reyhan.baktur@usu.edu. Magda El-Shenawee, student paper competition cochair, e-mail: magda@uark.edu; Ahmed Hassan, student paper competition cochair, e-mail: hassanam@umkc.edu. https://2023.apsursi.org/.
19–26 August 2023, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. URSI Secretariat, c/o INTEC, Tech Lane Ghent Scievnce Park - Campus A, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126, B-9052 Gent, Belgium. e-mail: info@ursi.org. http://www.ursi2023.org/
11–15 September 2023, Venice, Italy. HYBRID CONFERENCE. (Papers or extended abstracts: 3 April 2023.) Contacts: Roberto D. Graglia, chair of organizing committee, Dipartimento di Elettronica e TLC, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino, Italy, e-mail: roberto.graglia@polito.it; Piergiorgio L. E. Uslenghi, chair of scientific committee, ECE–University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, e-mail: uslenghi@uic.edu. http://www.iceaa.net/.
11–13 December 2023, National Harbor, MD, USA. Amy Belicev, Association of Old Crows, 1555 King Street, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA. +1 703 549 1600; e-mail: belicev@crows.org. http://www.crows.org.