By Dynamic Risk
As countries around the globe work to reduce emissions, the transition from coal to natural gas is an important step that many pipeline operators are pursuing, as part of their strategy to meet emission targets and move to lower carbon energy sources.
In 2014, a client of Dynamic Risk began developing a new 15-mile (25-km) gas transmission pipeline project, connecting to the Coastal GasLink (CGL) pipeline.
The CGL natural gas pipeline is currently under construction in British Columbia, Canada. Starting near Dawson Creek, British Columbia, the pipeline’s route crosses through both the Rocky Mountain and Coast Mountain ranges to the coast in Kitimat, B.C., where the gas will be converted at the LNG Canada terminal and exported to Asia.
The CGL Pipeline is expected to be completed and put into service in 2023. The Coastal GasLink is a manifestation of the focus on energy transition in Canada, to leverage abundant natural gas supply to establish the country’s position as a global LNG supplier. Canada’s primary export market for natural gas has traditionally been the United States.
However, with the recent increase in U.S. gas production, Canada is seeking additional export markets for natural gas. The development of the Coastal GasLink pipeline and LNG facility at Kitimat — as well as other similar projects in progress to build LNG export infrastructure — are important elements to move to lower carbon energy sources and reduce overall emissions. Construction of the gas pipeline was initiated in August 2021 and completed in January 2022.
The pipeline will remain idle until CGL begins production in 2023. During the idle phase, Dynamic Risk is providing ongoing monitoring to ensure operational, integrity and regulatory requirements are met.
Pipeline System Overview
In early 2020, the client was looking to partner with firms to provide design, construction, operation and integrity solutions for their pipeline system. This led the client to approach Dynamic Risk to discuss options for supporting the development, design, construction, operation and integrity programs of the planned pipeline.
The solution was designed to support the client across the entire pipeline integrity lifecycle, establishing integrity from during design and construction to operations. The initial support focused on providing expert review and input for the start-up/design phase, construction auditing and commissioning.
The support provided was adjusted as the pipeline was completed and prepared for operation, and it will be adjusted again in 2023, when the pipeline is brought into service.
During the start-up/design phase, our support focused on pipeline design review and support. Then, it transitioned into construction audits, commissioning planning and support and initial inspection and idling support activities.
By leveraging a strong team of experienced pipeline design/start-up and integrity engineers, the client was assured that they had established a robust integrity program, and they set the foundation for the operational phase.
The operations phase support focused on the development of safety loss management systems (SLMS) and integrity management program (IMP) documents, which would provide the regulatory and operational framework to maintain the integrity of the system.
In parallel, this phase also focused on setting up a spatial asset data system, a risk algorithm and a preventative maintenance and mitigation plan, including pigging, cathodic protection programs and development of plans and criteria, to manage required integrity inspections.
The team brought experienced subject matter expertise into all required areas, to ensure that the operational or “maintain” phase was robust, regulatory compliant and effective.
The client is focused on a long-term investment into the transportation of natural gas to the LNG Canada export terminal with a 40-year planning horizon. To achieve this long-term plan, they require strategic partnerships that provide support, security, stability and reliability.
The turnkey pipeline management solution has enabled the client to maintain their focus on their business strategy, as well as their financial, gas receipt and export and contract management, with complete trust that the operations and integrity program management are being handled with best-in-class support.