Thank you, Ron Green, for your recent article about the TPC Sawgrass facility (“Deane Beman recounts golf’s deal of the century,†March 7, GGP+).
I first encountered that piece of property in the summer of 1965. I was the junior host at the Ponte Vedra Inn and Club. As the junior host, one of my activities was to go horseback riding. Well, as luck would have it, the stables were on that piece of property. The only creatures that inhabited that awful piece of land were alligators, rattlesnakes, armadillos, jackrabbits and only-God-knows-with-certainty what else.
A golf course? No way. The palmetto bushes were as tall as the mightiest oaks in the Northeast. I really don’t know how any horses survived that ordeal.
Oh, well, I enjoyed the article.
Bob Covington
Atlanta, Georgia
I have read much of Ron Green’s excerpts and usually find him candid and forthright. When it comes to LIV, I find him to be a bit condescending toward the upstarts (“In spirit of Arnie, PGA Tour evolves boldly,†March 6 GGP).
I fully understand when you have made your career reporting on a single league that any upstart that could damage your livelihood would be on your negative view. My main concern is the thought that many of these players are less skillful just because they chose a different path is ludicrous. They still possess great talent and skill. The majors without the most skillful will be majors of only a few, not of all.
The fact that the PGA Tour has magically discovered hundreds of millions of dollars to upgrade its events and guarantee the top 125 a living (which always should have been done) tells me of some shadow finances that need review.
The tour executives have been quick to disparage the defectors while soaking up seven-figure salaries and lavish benefits, still claiming to be a nonprofit entity. It leaves a taste in my mouth that’s not pleasant.
As for the golf, LIV offers me shorter watches, one less day of viewing and shots of all players versus a limited few whom they choose to highlight.
May all participants enjoy their profession and enjoy their times. Just leave off the negative and focus on the positives. We get to see more, if we choose.
Garen Eggleston
The Villages, Florida
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