Back to School Month highlights the value of family engagement and community connection. Library programs and services contribute to a strong, connected ecology of lifelong learning in which families can explore, create, connect with others, and master skills at home, in school, in the community, and in the library. As we celebrate going back to school, current library staff with education experience took the time to reflect.
“I personally love the passion driven learning that happens at public libraries.â€
“We support educators because many schools lack a school library and trained library staff. In this way, we connect educators to resources [...] that can add value to their work and, therefore, help them support students.â€
“We also provide open, welcoming spaces that children choose to be in.â€
“I see both school and library staff striving to provide resources for young students, and actively engaging kids in the world whether through reading or exploration. Both institutions help bridge the gap between seeing technology and actually being able to utilize it effectively. [...] In both settings, I have also seen a great capacity for youth mentorship. Kids flock to adults who model questioning, exploration, humor, and different learning processes, leading to improved lives for these kids.â€
“Libraries provide access and resources for schools and students that do not have that access available to them at home or school.â€
“If kids can build that relationship with just one person at their local branch it helps at the school and the library.â€
“I loved that the library was a safe place my students could go when they weren’t in school to connect with many of the supports they get at school like food, community, and a public space to do homework/play games/etc.â€