Full name of college or university
Go here to find more information, to contact admissions, and to find out how to apply.
• Public
• Private — Not for Profit
• Private — for Profit
Public colleges are funded by the government, while private schools rely more on tuition and endowments. Private schools, although often costlier, may offer generous financial aid. Public universities generally have a wider selection of program offerings. For-profit colleges focus mostly on earning revenue through tuition and fees paid by students and channel that revenue into non-education expenses or directly to investors.
• City
• Suburban
• Town
• Rural
• More Selective - Usually in top 20% of school rankings; most entering students: ACT (25th) > 21; SAT (V+M) > 980
• Selective - Broad range, in 35th–75th percentile of rankings; most entering students: ACT 18–21; SAT > 860–1010
• Inclusive - Accepts a wide range of students; most entering students: ACT < 18; SAT < 860
Full time, part time, undergraduate, and graduate
Degrees available/awarded:
• Associate
• Bachelor’s
• Master’s
• Doctorate
Agric Agriculture, Agriculture Operations
Biol Sci Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Bus Mgmt Business Mgmt.
Comp Sci Computer & Information Sci.
Commun-Tech Communication Technologies
Cons Sci Family/Consumer/Human Science
Crim Just Criminal Justice
Education Education
Engineer Engineering
Eng-Techn Engineering Technologies
Health Health Professions
Inter-Disc Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies
Journalism Communications, Journalism
Liberal Arts Liberal Arts
Mech Techn Mechanic & Repair Technicians
Nat Res Natural Resources & Conservation
Parks-Fit Parks/Recreation
Perform Arts Visual & Performing Arts
Phys Sci Physical Sciences
Psychology Psychology
Pub Admin Public Admin./Social Svcs.
Religion Philosophy & Religious Studies
Security Homeland Sec., Law Enf., Firefighting
Social Sci Social Sciences
Transport Transportation & Materials Moving
Number of applications received
% of applicants accepted
SAT scores — average of the 25th & 75th percentile scores for Verbal (Reading) and for Math
ACT score — average of the 25th & 75th percentile scores
Tuit./Fees – Res. (resident)
Tuit./Fees – Non-Res. (non-resident)
Estimated cost of lodging and dining expenses, on campus
On-campus residences
Avg. award per student Average financial aid award per student
Full-time instructional staff
Number of faculty identifying as Indigenous
Number of students per faculty member
All students
Includes non-Indigenous and Indigenous students
Total baccalaureate degrees awarded in current year
% of all students who graduated with bac. degree within six years
% bac. degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics — to all graduates — from IPEDS data; see Note 1 in gray box
% of enrollment — female students
% of enrollment — % part-time students
Indigenous students
The percentages below each number in this section are the percentages of Indigenous students in that category. “Indigenous” below includes American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations, and other Indigenous peoples of North America; data derived from several files and the latest data from the Department of Education’s IPEDS database
Degrees to Indigenous students — weighted average of the most recent three years available (Wt: 3, 2, 1)
% of total degree earners who are Indigenous
% of Indigenous students graduating within six years
% bachelor’s degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math to Indigenous students
All Indigenous undergraduate students
% of student body who identify as Indigenous
Full-time undergraduate Indigenous students
% of undergraduate student body who identify as Indigenous
All Indigenous graduate students
% of all grad students who identify as Indigenous
Programs for Indigenous students
» Not all support programs are listed. Check with individual colleges for more information. Information taken from prior data, websites, personal contacts, and returned Top 200 surveys. A special thank-you to all who returned the surveys. Please contact the Winds of Change editor at kenglish@aises.org for a copy of the survey for the next issue.
1. To estimate the STEM baccalaureate degrees, we selected and totaled the number of degrees both total and Indigenous in the over-500 CIP codes that are identified as STEM (Homeland Security-STEM-CIP web-2020). This is the latest data available from IPEDS; no other analysis had been done since 2008. The % STEM is shown here for all baccalaureate graduates; the % STEM Indigenous baccalaureate degrees is shown in the “Indigenous Students” section.
2. If information was not available or applicable (all listings), that section was left blank.