All project information shall be submitted electronically. Each document must be uploaded separately through ACEC’s Awards Submittal Portal. The electronic entry must contain the following items:
Located on the ACEC website — Specifications: PDF format.
NOTE: You must submit entry fee payment with the electronic Project Submission Form. ($1,400 for ACEC members; $3,850 for non-ACEC members.) All payments must be made online. Refer to your MO for state competition fees.
Original completed entry form must be signed by both the entrant and the client/owner (senior executives/officials), stating that the submitted project was substantially completed and ready for use between Nov. 1, 2022 and Oct. 31, 2024. Electronic signatures are accepted.
The following project information must be uploaded individually and included with your Engineering Excellence Awards submittal.
2 CLIENT/OWNER LETTER (one page max.) Letter addressed to ACEC National describing the relationship of the client/owner and entrant in the development of the project, the project is ready to use, and how the entrant’s contribution exceeded the client/owner’s needs. Specifications: PDF format.
3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (one page max.) Overview of project. Describe the problem and solution. Project title and entry category must appear at the top of the page. Specifications: 8.5” x 11”; 1” side margins; single-spaced text; 12 pt. minimum size font; PDF format.
4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION (six pages max.) Tell the story of the project. Address items a, b, c, and d as listed below. Project title, entry category, and page number must appear at the top of each page. Entrants may use text, photos, graphics, or charts as needed. Do not reference other awards the project has won. Specifications: 8.5” x 11”; 1” side margins; single-spaced text; 12 pt. minimum size font; PDF format.
Text must include all the following information, including budget information and summary:
a. ROLE OF ENTRANT’S FIRM in the project.
b. ROLE OF OTHER CONSULTANTS participating in the project.
c. ENTRANT’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROJECT: A brief description of the entrant’s contribution addressing each of the following Rating Guidelines (refer to “Rating Guideline Definitions” on pages 4 and 5 for detailed rating and judging information):
Uniqueness and/or innovative application of new or existing techniques.
Future value to the engineering profession and enhanced public awareness/enthusiasm of the role of engineering.
Social, economic, and sustainable development considerations.
Successful fulfillment of client/owner needs.
Include total project construction budget cost, total project construction actual cost, entrant’s portion of the total project construction budget cost, entrant’s portion of the total project construction actual cost, and project scheduled and actual dates of completion (as indicated on the Electronic Project Submission Form). Reminder: These costs are not Engineering Fees.
d. SUMMARY: Describe in layman’s terms why this project is worthy of special recognition (word count between 100 - 500 words). Explain all factors that exhibit the project’s uniqueness and complexity, such as innovative engineering, challenges faced and overall social impact. NOTE: This summary may provide the basis for all ACEC publicity on the project.
5 KEY PARTICIPANTSList the key participants on the project including firm name, address, phone number, website, and e-mail address of each participant. Include contractors, subcontractors, other engineers, architects and designers significantly involved in the project. Specifications: 8.5” x 11”; Excel file.
6 PHOTOS OR GRAPHICSSix different photos or graphics (one per page) with captions describing the subject matter (refer to “Image Guidelines” below). Captions shall begin with: Photo 1, Photo 2, etc. Specifications: JPEG file; RGB format; High Resolution (300 dpi).
Photo Captions: Once photos are uploaded, type in the captions in the small box under each photo on the online submittal site. No text is permitted on the photos other than the cover slide.
Because the images will be projected on a large screen during the EEA gala, it is very important to submit sharp, high-quality, high-resolution images.
Three of the photographs must show the completed project and provide the highest level of visual impact for publicity. Three of the photographs must display the planning, startup, and/or construction phases of the project.
7 PHOTOGRAPHIC DIGITAL PANEL FILEA digital copy of the photographic digital panel.
Specifications: JPEG file; RGB format; High Resolution (300 dpi).
IMPORTANT: The Digital Panel File should be a key part of the project submittal and the text and digital photos should demonstrate the challenges, solutions, innovation, complexity and unique aspects of key project elements. The digital panel should be prepared with high-quality photos and graphics and with text as described below.
ACEC will be producing the physical display panels for the Grand and Honor Awards, each measuring 30” x 30” square, for the ACEC Convention and Gala event in Washington, D.C.
PHOTOS/GRAPHICS: Maximum of 6 photos and/ or graphics shall be used on the photographic digital panel file. Each image shall be a minimum of 7” x 5” or 35 square inches in area. A background photo is not considered a photograph.
TEXT/FONTS: Panel text may not exceed 250 words total, not including captions. Font sizes: 32 pt. minimum font for text or descriptions; 28 pt. minimum font for captions and graphics.
REQUIRED ELEMENTS: The front of the photographic digital panel file shall also include the EEA new logo (download from ACEC website), title and location of the project or study, client/ owner’s name and location, and entering firm’s name and location (minimum 32 pt. font size).
8 MEDIA LISTE-mail addresses of local newspapers, TV, radio stations and other media outlets where your project can be highlighted. If the state MO or entrant prefers to handle all local and national publicity for the project, include a statement to that effect. Specifications: Excel file; 8.5” x 11” or 11” x 17”.
9 PRESS RELEASE (two pages max.)Press release that clearly and concisely describes the project and the entrant’s participation, based on information presented in the Project Description. Also describe the value of the project to the community including information such as the number of people served, cost savings, etc. Do not reference other awards the project has won. Specifications: double-spaced; 8.5” x 11”; PDF format.
10 POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONPowerPoint file, containing 8 slides including one (1) title slide with EEA logo, firm name, project name, project location, city and state, followed by: Six (6) slides which include photos 1 through 6 (same photos as Item #6 above), and captions for each photo. Do not include caption/text on the photo. Plus one (1) slide that contains the photographic display panel. Accepted file format is PowerPoint (PPT or PPTX) only. This presentation will be used by the judges as part of their evaluation. Do not include sound, transition effects, animations, present timing, or slide show sequencing. A sample PowerPoint presentation is downloadable from the ACEC website.
11 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTInclude a supplementary report containing the findings portrayed with text, graphs, or photos, as needed.
NOTE: This report is ONLY required for Category A submittals.
All electronic submissions must be received by
January 8, 2025.