
She’s one of Ireland’s brightest stars, who once again lit up the screens earlier this year in Finding Joy – and is well worth a follow on social media, too! We caught up with actress, writer, and national treasure, Amy Huberman...

Dividing Rule

The second season of Finding Joy saw a lot of working in a cramped space, talking into a phone camera to communicate with the outside world. Amy, did you know something we didn’t? 


Haha, I never even thought about it that way! No, I didn’t – honestly! In fact, you look back to when we were filming and it’s a real ‘ignorance is bliss’ feeling. Poor Joy, sitting on her own, chatting to the world through the phone – little did she know! I suppose she wasn’t quite on the Zoom calls, at least...

How have you found the new way of the world?


You know, there’s been the good, the bad and the ugly. I just feel like the last few weeks have been really tough on people; the season has changed, which normally brings a sense of change...and nothing has changed. It’s hard to get your head around because you barely know what day it is anymore! Part of you adjusts, but I think trying to get as much positive out of it – as we did the first time round – is more difficult the second time. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s a day at a time, and trying to be appreciative of the things you have. 

And something that you’re about to have?


Yeah! It’s a weird parallel because it was early lockdown when I found out I had a bun in the oven, and it’s been reshaping its form all this time – well, my form’s just getting larger! It’s been a lovely distraction, and when things are heavy it’s been a real positive. And, also, when people ask me if I’ve been productive and I say no, I’m like ‘hang on, I made a person!’ That’s pretty good, right?!

Beats banana bread anyway… You also made a show, of course – writing and producing, as well as starring in it. How different is that to a regular acting role?


I’d never sat in an edit before – which is the weirdest thing. Some actors don’t really enjoy looking at themselves; suddenly, you’re forced to sit there for hours, listening to your own voice and staring at your side-profile. But like anything, it becomes normal. It’s such a retelling of the story in the edit, and that’s especially the case with comedy; there are things that seemed way funnier on set – or, indeed, the opposite, where some things you didn’t think really worked can be great. 


So is it half laughter, half hard work?


You’ve hit the nail on the head, really; it’s so much fun, but when you say that it takes from the fact that it’s such a slog to get it made! But I love doing comedy. You’re surrounded by people who love to make funny stuff, bouncing ideas off each other trying to find humour in everything. There are days where you’re tired, and you’re hangry, and it’s not all that easy! For the most part, though, I get home at the end of a day from a comedy set and I’m tired from laughing – and isn’t that just the best feeling?

Is there a secret ingredient to getting it right?


Having a good crew is really important, because they’ll cheerlead you, and it’s such a collaborative group effort. There’s a fine line, though; if you make each other laugh, you’ll ruin the take and have to go again. There’s nothing worse than corpsing! There were a few times where I lost it; just like that feeling of laughing in mass, where you’re just like, ‘I have to leave now, I can’t get control of this back…’

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“I love doing comedy. You’re surrounded by people who love to make funny stuff, bouncing ideas off each other trying to find humour in everything.”

Since you wrote her into existence, it’s got to be asked; is there much of you in Joy?


There are some similarities, for sure, but all the differences are what I enjoy about getting into her skin. Her awkwardness is just the antithesis of what I’m like; if there’s a pause in conversation I’ll fill it, while Joy just leaves these awful pauses. A lot of my scenes are with Paul Reid, who plays Stan; I love his discomfort so much! The fact that she can’t read a room, or sense a tone, is really fun. I’m not saying I do it perfectly myself, but it’s really fun to do badly! 

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You mentioned that some actors don’t like watching themselves; does that mean you avoid a show when it airs?


Some actors can watch themselves, but I don’t think many really like it. Most of the time, I might watch something after the fact, after everyone else has seen it. With this, though, I know exactly what’s coming so it takes some of the surprise out of it. I’ll put on the telly – you know, for the ratings! – and then leave the room. But I sat down to watch the second episode, and I really enjoyed it for what it is. There’s also things you forget, because it’s been six or seven months since you’d seen it. And, of course, it’s lovely to think of the happy memories of making it.  

What else has been on the screen in your place, then?


My kids are obviously at home a lot, so a lot of my viewing involves children’s TV! I started to watch Emily in Paris, and I really, unapologetically, enjoyed that. I watched The Fall over the summer; probably an odd choice in the middle of a pandemic, to watch this grisly serial killer show, but I thought it was great. I’ve gone back and started Schitt’s Creek again; I watched a few episodes before, but so many people are raving about it that I said I’d give it another shot. You know, I get overwhelmed sometimes, when I come to a show with loads of seasons. It’s like somebody asking me to marry them and I’m not sure; ‘Hang on, this seems like a big commitment!’


Well, presumably you’ll have plenty of time off soon?


Haha, all the time in the world! I’m trying to get a couple of things finished, but then for sure, there’ll be a bit of downtime. It might be enforced, too, because it’s hard to gauge where things will be in this industry, when the rules are constantly changing. In a way, it’s nice that it’s out of my hands; normally you have to make a certain plan, and there’s a certain pressure, but this time we can roll with it and see where the cards lie.

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