
Broadband usage soared during lockdown, but what were people up to?


Staying connected is one thing that’s given the people of Ireland comfort while at home during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and broadband usage has soared, providing both mental and physical support to heaps of users. We recently comissioned research to find out how people are feeling and what they’ve been getting up to and here are some of the highlights...

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People are intent on staying fit, no matter the circumstances! 65% of those surveyed took part in live, online fitness and training classes more often than they usually would and 30% say they’ll continue in the future.

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50% of respondents said they watched, listened to and read a mix of videos, podcasts, blogs and social media specifically to support their wellbeing during the lockdown, and 40% said they would continue to watch online videos and listen to podcasts about diet, health and fitness.

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60% said they also participated more often in online competitions against family, friends and colleagues regarding their health, and that they used Internet-connected devices, like Fitbits, to count steps as well as taking part in other fitness challenges. 30% say they plan for this to continue.

Source: Research commissioned by Virgin Media Ireland and conducted independently by Amárach Research, surveying 2,000 people aged 18 and upwards in mid-July 2020 across all regions of the country. Network statistics are from Virgin Media.
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We recently introduced our visual support tool that allows our contact centre agents or field technicians to see your home set up through the camera on your smartphone. This means that we can help you remotely, without the need to come to your home, or at least do the groundwork so the amount of time the technician may need to be in your home is reduced. It allows us to save time and resolve some issue instantly. 

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Spotlight on our lucky competition winners from PLAY Issue 14...



Karine Aytan and her pack have everything they need for a fun-filled family weekend after winning a voucher for two family day passes for Tayto Park, a three-night stay in the 4-star Pillo Hotel in Ashbourne, a Nintendo Switch and Super Smash Bros Ultimate. We’ve no doubt they’ll have packets of fun!

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Joyce Cullen from Waterford is experiencing a whole new world of mobile having won a brand-spanking new Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra last issue! 

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All information included in this magazine is correct at the time of publication 04/09/20.