Society of
Plastics Engineers
13 Church Hill Road
Newtown, CT 06470 USA.
Hope Inman
Managing Editor
Michael Tolinski
Contributing Editors
Dr. Roger Corneliussen
Patrick Toensmeier
Dr. Robin Kent
Art Director
Gerry Mercieca
Web Editor
Briana Gilmartin
2014–2015 EXECUTIVE
Vijay Boolani
Willem De Vos
Dick Cameron
Senior Vice President
Scott E. Owens
Vice President/Treasurer
Dr. Raed Al-Zu’bi
Vice President
Dr. Gregory A. Campbell
Vice President
Thierry D'Allard
Vice President/Secretary
Dr. Jamie A. Gomez
Vice President
Dr. Jeffrey H. Helms
Vice President
Jimmy Masrin
2012–2013 President
John Ratzlaff
All print/online advertising inquiries
and ad submissions please contact:
Advertising Sales Manager
Joe Tomaszewski
Global Corporate Sales
tel: 201-748-8895
Fax: 201-748-6362
Advertising Sales
Roland Espinosa
Print/Online Marketing Manager
tel: 201-748-6819
Plastics Engineering (ISSN 0091-9578) is published monthly, except bimonthly in July/August and November/December, by Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., a Wiley Company, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA. The magazine is compiled and edited by the Society of Plastics Engineers, Editorial and Business Office, 13 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470 USA. Telephone +1 203-775-0471, Fax +1 203-775-8490.
SPE Home Page: Communications should be sent to the Editor. Send address changes and undeliverable copies to the Circulation Manager at the SPE address given above. Send subscription orders and claims for non-receipt to Wiley Subscription Services at the Wiley address given above. SPE members receive the magazine as a benefit of membership. Subscription rate for nonmembers is $151 for 1 year; add $100 per year for subscriptions outside North America. Single-issue price is $20. Plastics Engineering is printed by Dartmouth Printing Co., a Sheridan Group Company. Periodical postage paid at Hoboken, NJ, and additional entry office. Accepted at special postal rates provided in P.M., Sec. 132 122. Copyright 2012 by the Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Plastics Engineering, 13 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470 USA. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Plastics Engineering is indexed by Engineering Information Inc.
Neither Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., nor the Society of Plastics Engineers, nor Plastics Engineering is responsible for opinions or statements of facts expressed by contributors or advertisers, either in the articles published in Plastics Engineering or in the technical papers that are presented at the meetings of the Society. Editorials do not necessarily represent the official policy of Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., or the Society. Display and classified advertisements are included as an educational service to readers of Plastics Engineering. Advertising appearing in Plastics Engineering is not to be taken as an endorsement, expressed or implied, of the respective company’s processes, products, or services represented in the ad.