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It might be the person who texts a simple “I’m praying” to someone they know is about to enter the operating room – or who is just having a hard day. It might be the one who calls the new mom or dad to say, “I’m headed to the grocery store. What can I pick up for you?” It might be the newly mown lawn or weeded garden that greets an adult child returning from a weekend with aging parents. It might be someone who embraces a spouse whose partner has been jailed for a year and says quietly, “I remember.” It might be someone who sits ... and listens ... and sits ... and listens. The ways congregants care for one another are myriad; many are simple acts of kindness that mean the world to the receiver. Read now the stories of several who have been wrapped in Jesus’ love as others cared for them – and read more at Interpreter OnLine,

It might be the person who texts a simple “I’m praying” to someone they know is about to enter the operating room – or who is just having a hard day. It might be the one who calls the new mom or dad to say, “I’m headed to the grocery store. What can I pick up for you?” It might be the newly mown lawn or weeded garden that greets an adult child returning from a weekend with aging parents. It might be someone who embraces a spouse whose partner has been jailed for a year and says quietly, “I remember.” It might be someone who sits ... and listens ... and sits ... and listens. The ways congregants care for one another are myriad; many are simple acts of kindness that mean the world to the receiver. Read now the stories of several who have been wrapped in Jesus’ love as others cared for them – and read more at Interpreter OnLine,

Wrapping one another in Jesus’ love

Mental health ministries

Mother and son share story of addiction

Son’s death plunges couple into abyss of grief

Fractured families seek strength, support

Gifts of presence

United Methodists nurture Ebola survivors

‘A household of faith’

Congregational care changes the world


United Methodist Women nurtures leaders

Women use skills honed in UMW to provide leadership in other settings.

Church-school partnerships: A procession of hope

Annual conference-led initiatives urge more congregations to develop close ties with public schools in their community.

Church focuses on reading

Teens discover hope through YouthFirst

Paws and play

Congregation saves itself – and its community

Widen the Circle

The murder of nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and a rash of killings of unarmed blacks by police have brought conversations about racism and racial justice. Interpreter offers this special section to help your congregation pray, talk – and act.

Bishops’ pastoral letter on racism

A call to prayer and action

Widen the circle: A call to beloved community


Just Thinking

Love is guiding force behind stories in this issue.

It Worked for Us

Bible lessons at sports camp; Bike-to-Church Sunday; Blessing of the Helmets; Learn and Earn a Bike 


Resources on racism; learning to budget; offering hospitality in Spanish; ‘Deep Blue’ Sunday school curriculum; intergenerational ministries Facebook page

‘We asked ...,’ ‘You said ....’

How did your church help you during/after a time of personal crisis?


Several websites make caring and planning to serve others simpler.

I am United Methodist

Barry Doyle finds spiritual freedom in his adopted denomination.

To Be United Methodist

Is there an official version of the Bible for United Methodists?

COVER: Royya L. James wraps Lukas Rodia in a prayer shawl — an expression of care in many United Methodist congregations. 


Links to New World Outlook and the United Methodist Handbook.