HP Tagline--Maintenance and Reliability

Reimagining reliability analytics

A. Buenemann, Seeq Corporation, Seattle, Washington

The hypothesis that diversity among teams increases effectiveness is well-researched and published.1 While much of this research focuses on strategic leadership teams, the same principles applied at the tactical level in process manufacturing frequently foster new and innovative approaches to problem-solving at the frontline.

Reliability, machinery, fixed-equipment, electrical/instrumentation/controls, and maintenance teams tend to have their own ways of thinking and working, focused on design conditions and vendor recommendations. Though their work processes intersect on an as-needed basis, many tasks tend to be executed in silos.

Placing a process engineering lens on what is typically considered mechanical or electrical engineering challenges can transfer learnings and best practices across the different technical functions in an organization. Advanced analytics and other statistical methods typically applied to product and process problems have an understated utility in maintenance and reliability applications.

Barriers to cross-functional connectedness. Creating an effective modern reliability and maintenance engineering team starts with ensuring members can access all the data needed to predict failures, identify root causes and optimize condition-based maintenance strategies. Historically, this data set included maintenance databases, high-frequency machinery monitoring information, piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), and electrical and control loop drawings. However, often missing from these analyses was the data demonstrating what is going on in the process right now. This piece is critical because it enables a comparison between present operations and those of several years ago.

When plant personnel notice operational issues, they typically engage a machinery engineer, who requests data from a process engineer, which is usually shared via an offline spreadsheet. This ignites a communication flywheel rich in dependencies but lacking in collaboration. Desktop-based spreadsheets have a long tenure as the primary tool for analyzing data from multiple sources because of their availability and familiarity. However, spreadsheet-based analyses heighten the existing barriers to effective collaboration for solving maintenance and reliability challenges.

In addition to stifling collaboration—which silos efforts in initial solution development—the absence of live data connectivity makes many analytics platforms unfit for near-real-time analytics, such as monitoring, predictive and prescriptive. Once an issue’s root cause is identified, monitoring measures must be put in place to prevent similar failure modes from occurring in the future.

The calculations built into most analytics software solutions require input data feeds from multiple source systems. However, without live connections to all relevant data feeds, monitoring efforts are left to manual means, with calculations refreshed only when new data sets are queried and wrangled into the offline solution.

One access point, endless capabilities. Modern, cloud-based advanced analytics solutions make it easy for entire organizations to access data from hundreds of different data sources through a single pane of glass. With process, maintenance, reliability and other engineering functions all accessing the data they need via the same application, sharing is innate, and the many email chains requesting, gathering and assembling data become relics of the past. Browser-based—rather than desktop-based—applications, in particular, facilitate real-time collaboration with device-agnostic compatibility.

At the same time, a process engineer is looking for anomalies amongst historian sensor data, a machinery engineer can overlay recent high-frequency equipment data, while a maintenance engineer adds event data from historical workorders for context. As a team, they build a more efficient, informative and multi-perspective workflow, empowering deeper understanding of the variables and effects at play than individualized troubleshooting workflows would have yielded.

For organizational buy-in to hold, collaboration capabilities must be realized quickly. Advanced analytics software is architected to connect rather than copy and move data, ensuring existing data infrastructure remains the authoritative single source of truth. This mechanism can also reduce the time to value for software implementation from months or years—typical of a large-scale data lake migration project—to hours or days. The rapid return on investment of modern advanced analytics software is a selling point to operations and information technology teams, many of whom are striving to achieve returns on multimillion-dollar digital transformation initiatives.

Accessibility and collaboration produce novel industry solutions. Throughout the petrochemical and refining industries, advanced analytics solutions are fostering collaboration between reliability, maintenance and process teams. The results of these collaborations are unique, sustainable monitoring solutions for maintenance processes that were historically reactive. The following case studies demonstrate the value that can be attained by implementing these types of solutions.

Golden batch as an outcome of root cause analysis. When a critical feed gas compressor on a polyethylene line at a petrochemical plant tripped and was unavailable for immediate restart, a reactor shutdown ensued. An unplanned reactor shutdown of this sort at the facility typically lasts a minimum of 4 hr, costing the plant upwards of $200,000. The compressors were maintained on a preventative maintenance schedule recommended by the manufacturer, but despite strict adherence to the robust schedule, unplanned shutdowns still occasionally occured.

Immediately following the compressor trip, machinery engineers reported to the scene, combing through high-frequency data. However, due to software storage constraints, this information only dated back 30 d. The controls team identified the safety interlock that prompted the shutdown, ushering in electrical engineers to the investigation team. This group traced electrical diagrams all around the pump motor, which was time-consuming and ultimately did not reveal a root cause.

Meanwhile, a process engineer, armed with decades of historical data in an advanced analytics application, quickly located the five most recent shutdowns. Using technology in the software called “capsules,” the engineer was able to focus the investigation on these shutdown and subsequent start-up time periods. By leveraging an augmented time visualizationa, the engineer examined the startups following each of the recent shutdowns simultaneously, and noticed an abnormal discharge pressure profile in the two most recent startups (FIG. 1). Investigating further, the engineer also noticed early warning signs on the motor amperage signal. Without a way to view the start-ups overlaid, the motor degradation had gone unnoticed by operations.


As a result of the root cause analysis, the process engineer was tasked with putting a monitoring solution in place to provide motor degradation insight and prevent a similar unplanned shutdown in the future. The manufacturer used the author’s company’s advanced analytics solution to create logically defined capsules for each shutdown and subsequent startup of the compressor. Referencing ampere and pressure data from a few healthy startups, golden profiles were created to monitor each signal, and flag when sensor values were outside a healthy range.

Today, when an out-of-range value first appears, the compressor motor is added to the maintenance work list for the next planned shutdown. This proactive maintenance approach, resulting from golden batch-style monitoring, is expected to eliminate unplanned shutdowns due to this failure mode.

Capability analysis for controller performance monitoring. Process capability analysis, calculated as Cpk, is a commonly used statistical tool for measuring a production unit's ability to produce a product at target and within its quality specification limits. While the quality parameter application of Cpk is a longstanding component of the Six-Sigma methodology, its application in control loop analysis remains relatively untapped. Control valves are sized—typically during initial project engineering and design phases—to deliver flowrates within an expected “good controllability” range of output percentages (OP%). As product grade slates evolve in response to customer demand, variable setpoint targets shift and can wander far from the center of the control valve's controllable range.

A specialty elastomer manufacturer was struggling to control a critical feed component flow rate at setpoint. Meeting the desired setpoint required the controller to adjust the OP% value well below the originally designed range, resulting in oscillations. These oscillations propagated through the system and caused product composition swings, resulting in quality downgrades.

Process engineers calculated the Cpk of the controller using the valve’s design output range, and they found the Cpk had been declining for the past decade. Senior process operators hypothesized the decline seemed to coincide with the unit changing product grade slate, which the data confirmed. For this reason, the control valve was resized, and the issue subsided.

With the dramatic product grade slate shift, plant management was concerned other controllers were at risk of causing similar quality issues. To address this concern, engineers performed a plantwide Cpk analysis on all product composition critical control valves. Each valve's process value, setpoint and output signals were structured into an asset group, along with the valve's high and low output design limits. This enabled engineers to create the Cpk calculation for one valve, then immediately scale it across all composition critical control valves.

Roll-up visualizations (FIG. 2) provided the team a live look at the current Cpk of each valve. Then, they calculated the increase in decline rate of Cpk values over the past decade and created a table prioritizing valves with the sharpest decline. A monitoring solution was put in place for proactive detection and replacement of improperly sized control valves going forward.


Inclusive teams develop innovative solutions. The collaborative nature of modern advanced analytics solutions encourages distinct engineering functions—which have traditionally been siloed—to come together and solve problems faster. Assembling teams of diverse technical backgrounds increases the rate at which problems are addressed, and it expands the set of plausible solutions beyond the status quo. This fosters innovative and sustainable solutions to maintenance and reliability challenges capable of standing the tests of time and technology. HP


a Seeq Corp.’s Chain View


  1. Rock, D. and H. Grant, “Why diverse team are smarter,” Harvard Business Review, November 4, 2016, online: https://hbr.org/2016/11/why-diverse-teams-are-smarter
First Author Rule Line

ALLISON BUENEMANN is the Chemicals Industry Principal at Seeq Corporation. She has a process engineering background with a BS degree in chemical engineering from Purdue University and an MBA from Louisiana State University. Buenemann has nearly a decade of experience working for and with bulk and specialty chemical manufacturers like ExxonMobil Chemical and Eastman to solve high-value business problems leveraging time series data. In her current role, she enjoys monitoring the rapidly changing trends surrounding digital transformation in the chemical industry and translating them into product requirements for Seeq.