HP Tagline--Column--Editorial Comment

Ensuring everyone goes home safely: Advancing safety systems in the HPI is imperative

Lee Nichols, Vice President, Content/Editor-in-Chief

One operational aspect that should never be overlooked in the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) is safety. Refineries and petrochemical plants contain some of the harshest working environments on the planet. Process units operate at extremely high temperatures and pressures, and plant personnel must be equipped with the tools, technologies and procedures to stay safe on the jobsite.

Safety has always been of extreme importance in the processing industries. The topic has been covered in the pages of Hydrocarbon Processing for more than 100 yr. As the HPI has evolved, so has safety and plant environment monitoring technologies. These tools can aid plant personnel in increasing safety and awareness during operations.

This evolution in safety technologies continues to be a focal point for Hydrocarbon Processing, which has continued to feature the latest advancements in both safety systems and new assets to monitor plant equipment and how it interacts with the environment.

Due to the importance of safety, Hydrocarbon Processing is devoting a Special Focus section on this topic. In this month’s issue, several technologies, procedures and best practices are provided to increase plant safety, learn from accidents and improve emergency procedures and boost awareness of dangers (visible and non-visible) within plant operations.

Additional topics within this issue will examine new pathways to carbon capture/carbon dioxide mitigation, project management and improving turnaround work, case studies in plant maintenance procedures, LNG, and much more.

Because of the harsh nature within refineries and petrochemical installations, safety is and will continue to be imperative. As safety systems continue to evolve and advance, Hydrocarbon Processing will continue to be a leader in disseminating these new methods, technologies and procedures to our audiences around the world. HP