All older adult (50+) programs are funded by the NextFifty Initiative. For assistance with a program, email Find more information at
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 12-3 p.m., 2510 E. Colfax Ave.
Join the Matinee Movie Club at the Sie FilmCenter for a film screening and discussion. Registration required. Learn more at
Thursday, Sept. 5, 1:30-3 p.m., Hadley
Created for people experiencing Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other forms of memory loss. In each session, the teacher will guide you in creating imaginative and colorful watercolor paintings. No registration is required. Snacks and supplies provided.
Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30 p.m., Virginia Village
A fun place for people experiencing memory loss and their friends, family members, and caregivers. Learn more at
Tuesday, Sept. 17, Autumn Poetry
Tuesday, Sept. 24, Bluegrass and Beyond Performance
Thursday, Sept. 12, 1-2 p.m., Sam Gary
Journey back to our nation’s early history and visit the life and times of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, his friends, his enemies, and the principles he fought (and perhaps died) for. No registration required.
Thursdays, Sept. 12, 26, 1:30-3 p.m., Park Hill
On Sept. 12, writers will workshop current projects amongst themselves. On Sept. 26, teaching artist Andrea Asali will lead the circle through writing in the sci-fi and cli-fi (climate fiction) genres. Refreshments provided. No registration required.
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2-3 p.m., Eugene Field
Learn how electric vehicles are changing how we think about driving, sustainability, and how they might benefit you. Folks from Denver’s Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency (CASR) will present a lively panel discussion. No registration required.
Thursday, Sept. 19, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Ross-University Hills
Learn how to use popular services such as Uber and Lyft as well as lesser known options. We’ll explain account setup, ride sharing etiquette, and safety. Bring your own device. No registration required.
Thursday, Sept. 19, 3:30-5 p.m., Ford-Warren and Online
Join us for creative self care through art journaling! Each month we will create a new journal page exploring a medley of art mediums. All experience levels welcome. Register at:
Saturday, Sept. 21, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Eugene Field
We’ll explore the tools of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way with the intention of manifesting our most creative and fulfilled selves! Bring a sack lunch. Register here:
Thursday, Sept. 26, 1-2 p.m., Sam Gary
Learn the pros and cons of fire prevention and suppression, how fires are fought, and the effects of climate change on fire frequency and intensity. We’ll also look at the role of fire in nature and how areas have recovered from devastating burns.
Friday, Sept. 27, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Online
Explore how your personal information gets online for sale and used by data vendors. Learn how to remove your personal information from these sources and some best practices to maintain your privacy in the future. Register at