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Dividing Rule

Empowered and Equipped

A PGW program helps diverse businesses thrive in Greater Philadelphia

Companies in Greater Philadelphia looking to better understand how to work with the natural gas industry have a valuable new resource.

Philadelphia Gas Works’ Diverse Business Development Program: Fostering Diverse Enterprises and Promoting Economic Expansion is an educational program designed to educate and empower diverse and local suppliers in PGW’s service area. Its primary objective is to equip participants with valuable knowledge and skills to help them successfully navigate the procurement process and potential contracting opportunities within the natural gas industry.

The inaugural cohort of seven diverse business professionals began the nine-month curriculum in October 2023. Modules cover a wide array of topics, including understanding the intricacies of how to do business with PGW, how to bid on government contracts and how to estimate costs. Participants also received hands-on tours of PGW’s facilities.

According to Dr. Erica Patterson, director of contract management and supplier diversity at PGW, the program is a win-win opportunity for all involved, giving PGW a way to increase its potential diverse vendor pool, allowing businesses interested in the natural gas industry to gain valuable knowledge and experience, and increasing economic and job opportunities in Philadelphia communities.

“PGW is honored and happy to put this program into place and grateful to the business executives who joined this endeavor,” Patterson told American Gas. “This program will not only benefit the professional business owners enrolled, but also help the community PGW serves to grow and promote an inclusive environment through corporate-community partnerships.”

Though this is PGW’s first supplier development program, it was designed as an extension to the company’s well-established Supplier Diversity Program.

“Building upon the pillar foundations of our Supplier Diversity Program, we recognized the potential for expansion and dedicated efforts to create a more comprehensive and impactful program that not only educates and empowers diverse businesses, but also contributes significantly to the long-term sustainability and vibrancy of the communities we serve,” Patterson said.

After the first cohort completes the program in June 2024, PGW says it will work on refining and expanding the program to ensure its sustained impact.

Early feedback has been positive.

“As a participant in this program, I have learned from a diverse group of thought leaders, each bringing their unique backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to the table,” said William Bowie, president and CEO of Empower Construction LLC. “This experience has equipped me with the skills and tools necessary to be a successful vendor to PGW.”