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Popticals Provide Compact Innovation For The Eyes

The people who make Popticals say there are three things that commend their sunglasses for golfers.

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First are the NYDEF nylon lenses, which are purple- and violet-tinted and designed to be clearer and lighter in weight than the polycarbonate lenses generally used in shades. In addition, Popticals are engineered to reduce color saturation and make it easier to read the topography of a golf course and discern such things as contours and colors as well as grass heights and grain.

Also, the sunglasses are non-polarized, on purpose, because polarized lenses flatten images and impair depth perception.

Just as appealing to golfers, company officials say, are the ways Popticals, which are available in eight styles boasting names such as PopStar and PopArt, can be broken down to much smaller sizes for portable storage, thanks to a patented FL2 Micro-Rail system.

In addition, the sunglass producer makes safely storing its shades quite simple with a compact, hard-shell case that can be attached to one’s golf bag – or simply slipped into a pocket.