The Council of the American Meteorological Society invites members of the AMS to submit nominations for the Society Awards, Lecturers, Named Symposia, Fellows, Honorary members, and nominees for elective Officers and Councilors of the Society.
Information regarding awards, including award descriptions, listings of previous recipients, and the process for submitting nominations are on the AMS website
Note: Deadlines differ and some nominations must be submitted on a specific form vs. electronic submission which is available on the AMS website or by request from Headquarters.
2014 Awards Committees
Each committee or commission listed below has the responsibility to select and submit to the Council the names of individuals nominated for the Society’s awards listed. The name(s) of individual(s) nominated, a two-page cv, a bibliography of no more than three pages, and three supporting letters should be electronically submitted before 1 May 2014 for the awards that follow, unless stated otherwise. The nominees for awards remain on the committee’s active list for three years.
Atmospheric Research Awards Committee
The Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal
The Jule G. Charney Award
The Verner E. Suomi Award*
The Remote Sensing Prize (biennial)
The Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award
The Henry G. Houghton Award
Oceanographic Research Awards Committee
The Sverdrup Gold Medal
The Henry Stommel Research Award
The Verner E. Suomi Award*
The Nicholas P. Fofonoff Award
Awards Oversight Committee
The Charles Franklin Brooks Award for Outstanding Services to the Society
The Cleveland Abbe Award for Distinguished Service to the Atmospheric Sciences by an Individual
The Joanne Simpson Mentorship Award
The Award for Outstanding Services to Meteorology by a Corporation
Special Awards
Education and Human Resources Commission
The Louis J. Battan Author’s Award (Adult and K–12)
The Charles E. Anderson Award
The Teaching Excellence Award
Distinguished Science Journalism in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences
Outstanding Contribution to the Advance of Applied Meteorology
Award for Broadcast Meteorology
Award for Excellence in Science Reporting by a Broadcast Meteorologist
The Henry T. Harrison Award for Outstanding Contributions by a Consulting Meteorologist
Weather and Climate Enterprise Commission
The Kenneth C. Spengler Award
Local Chapter of the Year Award
(nomination form available online at
*Recommended by the Atmospheric Research Awards Committee in even-numbered years and by the Oceanographic Research Awards Committee in odd-numbered years.
The Charles L. Mitchell Award
The Award for Exceptional Specific Prediction
The Francis W. Reichelderfer Award
The Helmut E. Landsberg Award
The Award for Outstanding Achievement in Biometeorology
lecturers (Deadline: 1 October 2014)
Robert E. Horton Lecturer in Hydrology
Bernhard Haurwitz Memorial Lecturer
Walter Orr Roberts Lecturer
Banner I. Miller
student papers
Robert Leviton Student Prize
Max A. Eaton Student Prize
Spiros G. Geotis Student Prize
Peter V. Hobbs Student Prize
named symposia
Section E, of the Policy, Guidelines, and Procedures for Awards and Lectureships provides the Policy on Named Conferences/Symposia and Special Issues of AMS Journals (full policy description available at
Recognition of scientists in the fields served by the AMS, living or deceased, in the form of a named conference or symposium or a named special issue of one of the Society’s journals is an honor reserved for only the most outstanding of our colleagues. It should be awarded only to those individuals who are completing a career, or who have recently died having completed a career, of significant achievements in their field and whose contributions would make them worthy of consideration for Honorary Member of the AMS…
The Committee’s function is to submit to the Council the names of individuals for election to Fellow.
Article III, Section 6, of the AMS Constitution provides that those eligible for election to Fellow shall have made outstanding contributions to the atmospheric or related oceanic or hydrologic sciences or their applications during a substantial period of years. The nominees for Fellow must be a member of the Society and remain on the committee’s active list for three years.
A nomination letter and three supporting letters should be electronically submitted before 1 May 2014. A list of Fellows and the process for submitting nominations are on the AMS website (
The Committee’s function is to submit to the Council the names of individuals for 1) the office of President-Elect for a term of one-year starting at the close of the 95th Annual Meeting (January 2015) and 2) four positions on the Council for a term of three-years starting at the close of the Annual Meeting. Nominations must be submitted prior to 1 April 2014 to the Nominating Committee.
Article III, Section 5, of the AMS Constitution provides that Honorary Members shall be persons of acknowledged preeminence in the atmospheric or related oceanic or hydrologic sciences, either through their own contributions to the sciences or their application or through furtherance of the advance of those sciences in some other way. They shall be exempt from all dues and assessments. The nominees for Honorary member remain on an active list for three years.
Deadline: 1 June 2014; a form and list of Honorary Members is available at